General statements of what students should know and be able to do.
Priority Standards
Identified at each grade level, these are the core knowledge and skills that students must have in order to move to the next level of instruction.
Rubrics or Scoring Guides
Documents that describe student performance on a specific task. The descriptions clearly differentiate levels of performance, such as:
- Exemplary: Outstanding, “above and beyond” what is expected
- Proficient: The level of performance students must meet to demonstrate the understanding of a standard.
- Progressing: Students are working towards meeting the standard but need additional opportunities to become proficient.
Rubrics and scoring guides will help all students succeed! Students will know ahead of time what is expected of them and can refer to them frequently. The immediate feedback will help improve the quality of their work.
Performance Assessments
A collection of tasks that students complete to determine their progress towards meeting a standard. These tasks may require them to construct a written response, create a product or perform a demonstration. Student work will be assessed using rubrics or scoring guides. Students must achieve proficiency before moving to the next task.
Common Formative Assessments
Teacher created, teacher owned assessments that are collaboratively scored and that provide immediate feedback to students and teachers.